Darfur historical documents - Archive 8 14

Eleven documents in the possession (1974) of ʾAbd al-Mājid Mukhtār al-Sanūsī of al-Fāshir. They concern the affairs of a Fulani family living just north of al-Fāshir. ʾAbd al-Mājid was a member of the Fallāta ʾĪsā; his pedigree is,





Jalāl al-Dīn












ʾAbd al-Mājid

Hearing before qāḍī ʾUthmān of a dispute between faqīh Jalāla and walad al-sultān (”Son of the sultan”, a formal title) Muḥammad Ḥūd: defendant sued for trespass by his slaves (see also DF64.8/2). 25 Rajab 1267/7 ...

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-063-08-01-doc-01

Hearing before qāḍī ʾUthmān of a dispute between faqīh Jalāla and walad al-sultān (”Son of the sultan”, a formal title) Muḥammad Ḥūd: defendant sued for trespass by his slaves (see also DF64.8/2). 25 Rajab 1267/7 ...

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-063-08-01-ph-01

Hearing before qāḍī ʾUthmān of a dispute between faqīh Jalāla and walad al-sultān (”Son of the sultan”, a formal title) Muḥammad Ḥūd: defendant sued for trespass by his slaves (see also DF64.8/2). 25 Rajab 1267/7 ...

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-063-08-01-ph-02

Hearing before qāḍī ʾUthmān of a dispute between faqīh Jalāla and walad al-sultān (”Son of the sultan”, a formal title) Muḥammad Ḥūd: defendant sued for trespass by his slaves (see also DF64.8/2). 25 Rajab 1267/7 ...

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-063-08-01-ph-03

Hearing before the maqdūm Khalīl (Probably Khalīl b. ʾAbd al-Sīd, who also held the title, malik korkwa ”king of the spearmen”; see O’Fahey (1980), 91.) of a dispute between his brothers and faqīh al-ḥājj Jalāl ...

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-065-08-03-ph-01

Settlement before the maqdūm Khalīl of the dispute heard in DF65.8/3. Undated.

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-066-08-04-ph-01

Settlement before the maqdūm Khalīl of the dispute heard in DF65.8/3. Undated.

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-066-08-04-ph-02

Sultan Muḥammad al-Ḥusayn, Yaḥyā and his brothers, recipients are not to interfere with the faqīh Ḥasab’s farm. Undated.

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-067-08-05-ph-01

Hearing before the malik … of a dispute between Aḥmad al-Bukhārī and walad al-sulṭān ʾAqrab over land. 5 Jumāda I 1230/15 April 1815.

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-069-08-07-ph-01

Hearing before the malik … of a dispute between Aḥmad al-Bukhārī and walad al-sulṭān ʾAqrab over land. 5 Jumāda I 1230/15 April 1815.

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-069-08-07-ph-02

Hearing before the malik … of a dispute between Aḥmad al-Bukhārī and walad al-sulṭān ʾAqrab over land. 5 Jumāda I 1230/15 April 1815.

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-069-08-07-ph-03

Hearing before malik Raḥm (28 On whom, see O’Fahey (1980), 112.) of a dispute between Ḥasab and Jalāl al-Dīn with Abbakr Dardīr over land and a well. 1281/1864-65.

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-070-08-08-ph-01

Hearing before malik Raḥm (28 On whom, see O’Fahey (1980), 112.) of a dispute between Ḥasab and Jalāl al-Dīn with Abbakr Dardīr over land and a well. 1281/1864-65.

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-070-08-08-ph-02

Hearing before malik Raḥm (28 On whom, see O’Fahey (1980), 112.) of a dispute between Ḥasab and Jalāl al-Dīn with Abbakr Dardīr over land and a well. 1281/1864-65.

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-070-08-08-ph-03