Laget mellom 1973-01-01 og 1973-12-31
Signatur: ubb-haa-0219
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Although the Baggara Arabs are associated with migratory cattle husbandry, it is only the richest who have cattle herds large enough to yield a cash income required to satisfy their consumption needs for grain and other goods. Most Baggaras therefore practice some cultivation in their home area (dar) during the rainy season. This Baggara man is sowing sorghum with the traditional seluka mode (making holes in the ground with the stick to plant the seeds therein).
Dette bildet er en del av utstillingen Photos
Dette bildet er knyttet til emnene Forskning, Landbruk, Mann, Feltarbeid, Arkeologi, Fargefotografi, Jordbruk, Sosialantropologi, Bonde, Åker
Relatert til: Sudan-samlingen
Inneholder fotografier tatt av Randi og Gunnar Haaland i Darfur se mer
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