5 membranfragmenter på latin, med delvis illuminerte begyndelsesbokstaver. 5

Antagelig fra ca. 1300-1400-årene. Hvert enkelte fragment er på baksiden nummerert med sort blekk (tusch?), antagelig fra ca. 1700-årene, med tallene 14, 15, 18, 19, 23, hvert tal ca. 3,5 cm. høit. Under siste nr. innlagt 2 små, løse pergamentsfragmenter, antagelig sammenhørende med disse 5 membrabfragmenter, der alle er beskåret og noget beskadiget. Pergament, stor folio. Innkommet fra prof. Hannaas's samlinger i 1934. (Fragmentet er merket 791 a-e)

Parchment, one cropped bifolium, ca. 40, 5 x 25,5 cm Lay-out: Writing space, 32,5 x 19, 5. Two columns 32,5 x 8, 5 cm. 78 lines. The ruling is not visible. Script: A smaller southern ...

Fragment ubb-ms-0791-a

MS 791, b-e are from a glossed version of Justinian’s Digest, which was one of the pillars of the Corpus iuris civilis, a collection of laws put together by the emperor Justinian for the Eastern ...

Fragment ubb-ms-0791-b

MS 791, b-e are from a glossed version of Justinian’s Digest, which was one of the pillars of the Corpus iuris civilis, a collection of laws put together by the emperor Justinian for the Eastern ...

Fragment ubb-ms-0791-c

MS 791, b-e are from a glossed version of Justinian’s Digest, which was one of the pillars of the Corpus iuris civilis, a collection of laws put together by the emperor Justinian for the Eastern ...

Fragment ubb-ms-0791-d

MS 791, b-e are from a glossed version of Justinian’s Digest, which was one of the pillars of the Corpus iuris civilis, a collection of laws put together by the emperor Justinian for the Eastern ...

Fragment ubb-ms-0791-e