
Dato: 1851-06-07

Signatur: ubb-ms-2199-df-063-08-01-doc-01

Hearing before qāḍī ʾUthmān of a dispute between faqīh Jalāla and walad al-sultān (”Son of the sultan”, a formal title) Muḥammad Ḥūd: defendant sued for trespass by his slaves (see also DF64.8/2). 25 Rajab 1267/7 June 1851.

Er en del av

Darfur historical documents - Archive 8

Eleven documents in the possession (1974) of ʾAbd al-Mājid Mukhtār al-Sanūsī of al-Fāshir. They concern the affairs of a Fulani family living just north of ... se mer

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