Fotografi skapt av

Laget mellom 1969-01-01 og 1969-12-31

Signatur: ubb-haa-0521

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Circumcision festivities with procession of women carrying objects related to food making as well as others related to male activities like hunting and warfare. This procession is called “ferangabia” which in Fur language means “the dance of the gazelle”. Note the cowrie shells (Fur: “kandura”, Arabic: “wadda”) in women’s hair: the shape of cowrie lends itself to metaphoric association with the vagina (Fur: “sendi”).

Dette bildet er en del av utstillingen Photos

Dette bildet er knyttet til emnene Kvinne, Barn, Mann, Feltarbeid, Arkeologi, Religion, Fargefotografi, Sosialantropologi, Forskning, Gruppe, Landsby

Relatert til: Sudan-samlingen



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