Darfur historical documents - Archive 4 3

One document in the possession (1970) of malik Riḥaymat Allāh Maḥmūd al-Dādinqāwī of al-Fāshir.

Documents regarding the original document. Sultan Ḥusayn b. al-sulṭān Muḥammad ʾAjīb [Abū Kowda], ”our brother” Sultan ʾAlī Dīnār, asserting his claim to Darfur and offering to negotiate a settlement of their differences. Undated [1898]: see ...

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-014-04-01-doc-01

Documents regarding the original document. Sultan Ḥusayn b. al-sulṭān Muḥammad ʾAjīb [Abū Kowda], ”our brother” Sultan ʾAlī Dīnār, asserting his claim to Darfur and offering to negotiate a settlement of their differences. Undated [1898]: see ...

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-014-04-01-doc-02

Documents regarding the original document. Sultan Ḥusayn b. al-sulṭān Muḥammad ʾAjīb [Abū Kowda], ”our brother” Sultan ʾAlī Dīnār, asserting his claim to Darfur and offering to negotiate a settlement of their differences. Undated [1898]: see ...

Manuskript ubb-ms-2199-df-014-04-01-doc-03