Fotografi skapt av

Laget mellom 1965-01-01 og 1965-12-31

Signatur: ubb-haa-0327

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Circumcision of boys is an important ceremony in Fur communities and lasts for several days. It involves consumption of local beer (Fur: “kira”) and prestigious food like meat (Fur: “nino”), and involves festive activities with dancing, most importantly the ritualized “dance of the gazelle”, (Fur: “ferangabie”). The songs sung by the women contain very explicit references to sexual intercourse and the female genitalia (Fur: “sendi”).

Dette bildet er en del av utstillingen Photos

Dette bildet er knyttet til emnene Kvinne, Barn, Mann, Feltarbeid, Arkeologi, Religion, Fargefotografi, Sosialantropologi, Forskning, Gruppe

Relatert til: Sudan-samlingen



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