Fotografi skapt av

Laget mellom 1969-01-01 og 1969-12-31

Signatur: ubb-haa-0437

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An isolated village on Jebel Gurgei in the Jebel Si area of Northern Darfur, where people still lived in a very special type of house with flat-topped roofs, called “Torrontoga”. In the Fur language “tong” means house, and such houses are associated with a mythical people called Torro. One man is standing in front of the entrance, while two others are standing on the flat roof.

Dette bildet er en del av utstillingen Photos

Dette bildet er knyttet til emnene Mann, Feltarbeid, Arkeologi, Sosialantropologi, Forskning, Landsby

Relatert til: Sudan-samlingen



Inneholder fotografier tatt av Randi og Gunnar Haaland i Darfur se mer

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