Fotografi skapt av

Laget mellom 1957-01-01 og 1957-04-30

Signatur: ubb-jg-k-0291

Eies av Billedsamlingen

Kontaktkopi fra FN-fotograf Jørgen Grindes opphold i Midtøsten i 1956/57, hvor han dokumenterte forskjellige FN-operasjoner. Her vises arbeid i Suezkanal-verkstedene i Port Fouad. Se også UN Photo 147125 og 147126

Fotografens notater:

"Port Fouad Workshops, Port Fouad, Egypt.291.

1. Machine Shop. Machinist placing large piston rod belonging to forge shop drop hammer in lathe for machining.

2. Machine Shop. Boring precision centre hole in cylindrical shaped plate.

3. Machine Shop. Machinist turning steel shaft in lathe.

4. Machine Shop. General view of shop from atop crane platform.

5. Machine Shop. Using large lathe to recondition propeller shaft of tug boat.

6. Machine Shop.Vertical boring mill being used to machine new electric motor case cast in foundry to repair damaged motor.

7. Machine Shop. Checking steam piston rod for steam hammer.

8. Machine Shop. Boring Mill, machining multi-diametre shaft

9. Machine Shop. General view from elevated position showing arrangement of machine tools.

10. Same as 9 above.

11. Machine Shop. Vertical boring mill being used to mill cast part of damaged machine tool.

12. Machine Shop. Large boring mill machining steam piston for hammer of forge shop."

Dette bildet er knyttet til emnene Interiør, Arbeider, Mann, Kontaktkopi, Maskin, Verksted, Publiserte bilder, Mellomformat, FN, UNSCO

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Gelatin positiv DOP

Mest brukt fra første verdenskrig frem mot idag, men tilgjengelig fra 1885.

Format: kontaktkopi

Format: 120mm

Film i størrelse 6x6, 6x7, 6x4,5 cm (120 mm rullfilm)

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